Historical Person's In IT

John Napier Bone
Another manual calculating device was Jone Napier Bone. It was a cardboard multiplication calculator. It was designed in the early 17th century

Blaise Pascal
The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642.It could
Only add and subtract number. Division and multiplication was done by repeated addition and subtractions.

Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz
In 1694 a German scientist Leibnitz a developed a calculating machine. It was the first calculator that could multiply and divide also.

Charles Xavier

A French scientist Charles Xavier developed a machine that could perform addition, subtraction, multiolication, and division.

Punched Bard
A French engineer Joseph developed punchboard system for power looms. It was used to create specific weaving pattern on cloths. Later on the system was used in computing device.

Charles Babbage
In 1822 a mathematician Charles Babbage invented a Difference Engine for mathematical calculation. In 1842 he developed Analytical Engine that was automatic. This engine could perform 60 additions per minute.

Herman Hollerith
In18889 Herman Hollerith applied the idea of punchboard in a computer. He used punch card in computer for input and output.

Atanasof was a professor at Lowa University. He invented an electronic computer. He applied Boolean algebra to computer circuitry…
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History of computer

Computer was invented because “necessity is the mother of invention”. Man always searched fore a fast calculating device. it took a long time to invent the digital computer. A brief history behind the invention of computer is as follow.
The first computing device was ABACUS. It was developed in 600 B.C. It was used toper form simple addition and subtraction. It consists of wooden beads. The beads could

Be moved easily .Calculations were performed by moving these beads properly
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Use Of Software

Software or computers configured to display a list of commands to control. Application software can be used for the following:

* Performance / Business Tools
* Graphics and multimedia support project
* United State businessmen private support and training activities
* To promote dialogue

Performance of daily activities, productivity software, software, better performance and is intended for people who are active. This word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation graphics, personal information management, graphics and multimedia, communications and other related types of application software are included. Like a paper newsletter, reports, word processing software, text, and notes used to create the form. This program is an attractive, professional documents in electronic form, was to discover that they may be used for security. Software may be provided by the grammar and spelling errors, copy and solve the equipment can move the text without retyping. Improve the type of document. Sheets in the business environment quickly and accurately with the numerical measurements are to perform. Row and column the worksheet data and formulas and functions to measure the speed and accuracy is used. Schedule - "A statistical analysis of tables and maps," based on the maintenance by. Database, information you can use the data statement number, access, search, please pick up. Add, edit, create and delete data in the database and receive data data data management database (DBMS) on computer systems, forms and reports will be held to help. Presentation graphics software, videos, photos, video, audio, text, used to create the presentations are included. Personal Information Manager, scheduling, address book, appointments book, task lists, and other software applications, including personal information management. Engineers, architects, graphic artists, desktop share, and often with the help of computer design, desktop publishing, audio, video, writer, Web site with graphics and multimedia programs can be used. Software for communication, cooperation, e-mail with a Web browser.
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Information Technology has a role today In Human Life

Every day, people use computers in new ways. PC is still available, as they strengthen their information resources, and easier to use.

Computers in Business One of the earliest and largest applications of computers is the protection and management of business and financial statements. Most large companies keep records of the work of all employees in databases run by large computer programs. Similar programs and databases used in business functions such as customer billing address, payment received and tracking of payments made and actions to follow the necessary materials and products produced, stored, transferred and sold. In fact, do almost all of the information society, business, including computer and information technology.

Small scale, many companies have replaced meters with point of sale (POS) terminals. These POS terminals not only print a receipt for the customer, but also to send information in a computer database when each item sold for maintaining the list of products and goods contracts in hand. Computers are also very important in modern factories. Computer robots now do tasks that are hot, heavy or dangerous. And robots are used to routine, repetitive tasks where fatigue or boredom can lead to poor performance.

Computers in medicine, information technology plays an important role in medicine. For example, a scanner, a series of photos of the body of information axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A computer then combines the images to produce detailed images of three-dimensional body organs. In addition, MRI produces images that show changes in body chemistry and circulation.

Computers in science and technology using supercomputers, meteorologists predict future weather using a combination of weather observations from many sources, mathematical representation of behavior of the atmosphere and geographical data.

Automation of design and production of computer programs, often called CAD / CAM has led to improved products in many areas, especially when models are very detailed. allow software engineers to analyze models of complex structures such as power plants and space stations
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The term "information technology" developed in 1970.

The term "information technology" developed in 1970. basic concept, however, can be attributed to the Alliance in World War II and the military industry in the development of electronics, computer science and information theory. After 1940, the army remains the main source of funding for research and development to expand the reach of automation to replace the work force with the power of the device.

Since 1950, has developed four generations of computers. Reflected the generation change in the volume of devices, but a greater ability to control computer operations. The first generation used vacuum tubes and transistors to integrated circuits used for the second and third and fourth integrated circuit chip used on a single computer. Advances in artificial intelligence, which would reduce the need for complex programming to distinguish the fifth generation of computers is still at an experimental stage.

first commercial computer was the UNIVAC, developed by John Eckert and John Mauchly and Walker in 1951. It 'was used by the Census Bureau to predict the election results of 1952 presidential elections. During the next 25 years, and is used in large mainframe accounts and deal with large amounts of information stored in databases. The supercomputer used in science and engineering, aircraft design and nuclear reactors, and predict weather conditions around the world. The computers in the middle of the scene in 1980 of small businesses and factories and mills.

In 1975, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop small computers. In 1976, followed by the first computer Tandy Radio Shack and Apple microcomputer was introduced in 1977. And the computer market grew dramatically when IBM launched its PC first-person in autumn 1981. Because of significant improvements in computer components and manufacturing, and personal computers today that does not exceed the maximum computers in mid 1960, about one thousandth of the cost.

Computers today are divided into four categories according to their size, cost and treatment capacity. They are giants, central, computers, small and micro computers, more commonly known as a personal computer. The groups include personal computers, networks, laptops and notebooks.
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The Information, as defined by the I T Association of America

(ITAA), is "research, design, development, implementation and support or management of computer systems and software applications, special hardware." The combination of computing and information, information technology, and the ability to electronically input, processing, storage, production and reception of data and information, including text, graphics, audio, video, and the ability to control all types of electronic devices.

Information technology includes computers, satellite communication networks, robots, software, cable television, electronic mail ("email"), electronic games equipment and office machinery. Manufacture of information, consisting of all computing and communications, electronics and related organizations, including hardware, software and services. Complete the mission using information technology results for fast processing of information and mobility, and improve the reliability and completeness of processed data
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Saaimint International officials announced a change in the implementation of the existing policy on sharing research data.

During the 2005 session of the National Council for Science and International boring Mint officials announced a change in the implementation of existing guidelines on the sharing of research data. Plans, particularly in and around October 2010 the currency of the hole that all proposals to develop a plan to incorporate the data in the form of a two-page leaflet process. The research would be informed about the characteristics of the expected changes and the expectations of the organizations processing.

The purpose of these amendments, to determine trends and needs of the modern era of scientific data.
"Science has become data intensive and constructive," said Ed Seidel, Deputy Director of Sport Science and Physical currency hole edge. " Researchers need to work together from different disciplines to solve complex problems and the exchange of information among the public to communicate the way for researchers and collaborate more effectively for free.
"This is the first step in what will be a more holistic approach to data management policies," he said Cora Marrett, Assistant Director Quinn hole. Published: "It will be financed from the research data by the address of the public sector is required."
He conceded that said each discipline Seidel their own culture and exchange of data and Dull Mint, it was forbidden for a uniform approach. But for all disciplines, subject to data management, peer review and the new method offers the flexibility to manage high level of education to allow the implementation of the necessary size.
This is a change in the implementation of long-term policy, which requires lengthy currency receiver to exchange data within a reasonable, where the cost.
"" The change in the transition to the digital age, where they are of innovative science in computer science to explore the data to researchers and reflect the support from me, "said Jeannette Wing, Assistant Director of Computer currency deaf and Information Science and Engineering Directorate. "The digital data of the two products of the study and the basis of new scientific findings and discoveries, innovation and development."
Monetary fine, a number of initiatives to the visibility of science have effectively promoted. Request for sustainable development Mint development Dull digital preservation and access to network partners (networks) Program of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure.
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