John Napier Bone
Another manual calculating device was Jone Napier Bone. It was a cardboard multiplication calculator. It was designed in the early 17th century

Blaise Pascal
The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642.It could
Only add and subtract number. Division and multiplication was done by repeated addition and subtractions.

Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz
In 1694 a German scientist Leibnitz a developed a calculating machine. It was the first calculator that could multiply and divide also.

Charles Xavier
A French scientist Charles Xavier developed a machine that could perform addition, subtraction, multiolication, and division.

Punched Bard
A French engineer Joseph developed punchboard system for power looms. It was used to create specific weaving pattern on cloths. Later on the system was used in computing device.

Charles Babbage
In 1822 a mathematician Charles Babbage invented a Difference Engine for mathematical calculation. In 1842 he developed Analytical Engine that was automatic. This engine could perform 60 additions per minute.

Herman Hollerith
In18889 Herman Hollerith applied the idea of punchboard in a computer. He used punch card in computer for input and output.

Atanasof was a professor at Lowa University. He invented an electronic computer. He applied Boolean algebra to computer circuitry…