Since 1950, has developed four generations of computers. Reflected the generation change in the volume of devices, but a greater ability to control computer operations. The first generation used vacuum tubes and transistors to integrated circuits used for the second and third and fourth integrated circuit chip used on a single computer. Advances in artificial intelligence, which would reduce the need for complex programming to distinguish the fifth generation of computers is still at an experimental stage.
first commercial computer was the UNIVAC, developed by John Eckert and John Mauchly and Walker in 1951. It 'was used by the Census Bureau to predict the election results of 1952 presidential elections. During the next 25 years, and is used in large mainframe accounts and deal with large amounts of information stored in databases. The supercomputer used in science and engineering, aircraft design and nuclear reactors, and predict weather conditions around the world. The computers in the middle of the scene in 1980 of small businesses and factories and mills.
In 1975, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop small computers. In 1976, followed by the first computer Tandy Radio Shack and Apple microcomputer was introduced in 1977. And the computer market grew dramatically when IBM launched its PC first-person in autumn 1981. Because of significant improvements in computer components and manufacturing, and personal computers today that does not exceed the maximum computers in mid 1960, about one thousandth of the cost.
Computers today are divided into four categories according to their size, cost and treatment capacity. They are giants, central, computers, small and micro computers, more commonly known as a personal computer. The groups include personal computers, networks, laptops and notebooks.
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